At a glance
Clients can book these services individually. Duration depends solely on the needs and the amount of work.
Clients can book these services individually. Duration depends solely on the needs and the amount of work.
Since my application coaching always depends on the individual needs of my clients, I ask for your understanding that I can only provide limited information on the scope of time and costs at this point. In principle, the more demanding the professional ambitions are, the more valuable the coaching will be.
The hourly rates vary between 79.00 and 299.00 euros (including VAT) depending on the amount of work involved. I am happy to answer your organisational questions by telephone or email – of course free of charge and without any obligation on your part. As an introductory offer, I offer an application portfolio check in which I give you feedback on the quality of your application documents. The costs for this are a flat rate of 79.00 euros (including VAT).
The services offered here for applicants are generally deductible from income tax as income-related expenses. In the case of persons registered as jobseekers or unemployed, the costs can be borne in full by the responsible employment agency (Arbeitsagentur) or job centre (Jobcenter). This requires the issuance of an activation and placement voucher (Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein/AVGS) which must be applied for in advance.
Please also note my General Terms and Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen).