In 2010 I founded Dr. Karbaum Consulting & Coaching in Berlin and have since served a high four-digit number of customers across industries and career levels.

By early 2025, I had reviewed, optimized and newly created thousands of application documents, prepared a four-digit number of people for interviews at all career levels, carried out about 800 potential analyses and developed countless career plans.

I accompanied many employees through difficult professional phases, created orientation and increased both confidence and self-confidence. The satisfaction of my customers is based on the relating success in their professional careers.

As a coach and consultant, I stand out from other providers through three essential principles:

Coaching and consulting

go hand in hand. This allows you to benefit from the special experience of your coach, especially in-depth knowledge about the Berlin job market.

Any coaching

is basically result-oriented. The primary aim is to develop practical solutions for you.

If I cannot offer you

any added value, I myself have little interest in collaborating with you. Only when solutions are on the horizon I tackle the challenge together with you.

In my career and application blog you will find further impressions of my philosophy – and  information that help you directly. The articles are available in German, English and eight other languages.


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